The Hike this Week Hotz/Europe Bay Trail3.2 milesMeet at Europe Bay Road parking area at 9:00am As part of the Wisconsin DNR OutWiGo initiative to get outside and participate in healthy activities, Newport SP Naturalist Beth Bartoli is leading a 13-week progressive hiking challenge covering every trail in the park. Hikes will take place on […]
Door County’s rich geologic history is written in the rocks, just waiting to be discovered. Park in Lot 3 and look for the table down at the beach area for this drop-in program. All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker is required on all vehicles. Some programs are weather related, so check […]
Join instructor Sherry Seubert of Embraced by Nature for a slow hatha morning flow yoga mat class with guided meditation. We will ground to earth and reach for the sky. Bring a yoga mat, blanket, or beach towel. We will gather in the grassy area at Parking Lot 3 near the shelter. All programs are […]
Due to poor viewing conditions expected for both nights (clouds, humidity haze, smoke), this event has been cancelled. **IMPORTANT: This event will be held on August 4 OR August 5, depending on weather/viewing conditions.** Join us at Wisconsin’s only designated dark sky park for a night of star gazing. There will be a telescope and […]
The Hike this Week Europe Bay Trail (to road and back)3.4 milesMeet at Lot 3 at 9:00am As part of the Wisconsin DNR OutWiGo initiative to get outside and participate in healthy activities, Newport SP Naturalist Beth Bartoli is leading a 13-week progressive hiking challenge covering every trail in the park. Hikes will take place […]
Dave LaLuzerne was born with a green spark in his heart. (Interestingly, his last name is the French word for alfalfa.) Nurtured through pharmacy school and many years as an herbal pharmacist in his own herb shop, he now finds his passion is educating people about the numerous and wondrous ways to use herbs for […]
Head to the woods to see what treasures await. Trail and discussions will be based on conditions. Meet at Lot 1. All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker is required on all vehicles. Some programs are weather related, so check with the park if you have any questions. Newport State Park, 475 […]
Come and meet Smokey Bear and help park staff celebrate his 80th birthday! We will read the real story of Smokey Bear and how he became the ambassador of wildfire prevention. There will be games, prizes and cupcakes. Held in the Nature Center, Lot 1. All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker […]
Join guest astronomers from UW-Madison as they present Badger Talks, a PowerPoint presentation about astronomy, and a chance to view the night skies through a high-powered telescope. Newport State Park in Ellison Bay is the best place to view the spectacular Perseid meteor shower as it is Wisconsin’s only designated International Dark Sky Park. No […]
The Hike this Week Newport/Ridge Trail (west)3.6 milesMeet at Lot 3 at 9:00am As part of the Wisconsin DNR OutWiGo initiative to get outside and participate in healthy activities, Newport SP Naturalist Beth Bartoli is leading a 13-week progressive hiking challenge covering every trail in the park. Hikes will take place on Tuesday at 9:00am. […]
Join Beth Bartoli, Newport's park naturalist, on a visit to the monarch nursery, seeing them at their various stages of growth. You will learn about their amazing life cycle and help release any monarchs that may be ready to go. Meet in the Nature Center (Lot 1). All programs are free, but a state park […]
Join arborist Donna Danielson and learn how to identify several common trees of the park as well as learn their life cycles and shared history with humans. This will be about a ½-mile walk. Donna is retired from The Morton Arboretum where she did insect and disease research, worked in the Plant Clinic, and taught […]
Come learn about what invasives species means in Wisconsin with Matt Wallrath of the Wisconsin First Detectors Network. Matt is a Milwaukee-born and Wisconsin-educated ecologist. He is happy to continue his career as a conservationist at UW-Madison. Local topics and statewide projects will be discussed. Bring questions about your yard, forests, and favorite parks! Meets […]
Bring your questions, comments and concerns and spend some time with park manager Brian. There will be a short hike as he talks about what’s going on at the park. Meet at Lot 3. All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker is required on all vehicles. Some programs are weather related, so […]
The Hike this Week Rowleys Bay Trail4.0 milesMeet at Lot 1 at 9:00am As part of the Wisconsin DNR OutWiGo initiative to get outside and participate in healthy activities, Newport SP Naturalist Beth Bartoli is leading a 13-week progressive hiking challenge covering every trail in the park. Hikes will take place on Tuesday at 9:00am. […]
Head to the woods to see what treasures await. Trail and discussions will be based on conditions. Meet at Lot 2. All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker is required on all vehicles. Some programs are weather related, so check with the park if you have any questions. Newport State Park, 475 […]
The Hike this Week Newport Trail5.0 milesMeet at Lot 2 at 9:00am As part of the Wisconsin DNR OutWiGo initiative to get outside and participate in healthy activities, Newport SP Naturalist Beth Bartoli is leading a 13-week progressive hiking challenge covering every trail in the park. Hikes will take place on Tuesday at 9:00am. We […]
This is a NWS Wilderness Days Event What a great way to start your day with a hot cup of locally roasted, thoughtfully-sourced coffee on the beach area at beautiful Newport State Park. Coffee and baked treats donated by Carol Ash, NWS board member and owner of Kick Ash Coffee, Ellison Bay. Meet at the […]
This is a NWS Wilderness Days Event WI Master Naturalist volunteers Mary O’Grady and Lynn Reuter will lead us along the Hotz Trail. As early as the 1920’s, the trail was the original driveway going to the cabin of Ferdinand Hotz. Learn about the amazing family history and how the land he preserved became part of […]
This is a NWS Wilderness Days Event Learn some facts about the amazing bee, make an insect house and learn about plants that attract pollinators to your garden. Helen Berch-Kenny, WI Master Naturalist and Master Gardener will lead this hands-on discussion. Meet in the Nature Center, Lot 1. All programs are free, but a state […]