Sunrise over Europe Bay

Planned Giving is a way for you to participate in the future of the Newport Wilderness Society

Planned giving is a donation made through a will or other formal designation. The donor has the necessary documents prepared by a financial planner or estate attorney. Most often the donation is made upon someone’s death through a will or trust, but not always. Some of the forms of planned giving include:

  • Bequest in a will naming the Newport Wilderness Society as a recipient of your gift. 
  • Bequest via a living trust which provides you with control of your funds during your lifetime and is a revocable gift during your life.
  • A life insurance policy naming the Newport Wilderness Society as beneficiary or owner of the policy results in a large gift with little cost, and there may be tax advantages.
  • Designation of Newport Wilderness Society as a beneficiary in a Retirement Plan or IRA may avoid large tax burdens while benefiting the Newport Wilderness Society.
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, Charitable Remainder Trust and Charitable Lead Trust may provide a tax advantage while benefiting the Newport Wilderness Society.

Contact your financial planner or estate attorney to further explore the best options for you and your heirs. Please contact the Newport Wilderness Society (PO Box 187, Ellison Bay, WI 54210) to let us know you have included us in your planned giving.