Time Capsule: Newport in the News

A collection of NWS and Newport SP news stories in local and regional media.

Many of the articles were written and published by our local newspaper, the Peninsula Pulse. NWS is very appreciative of the ongoing coverage of news and events related to all Door County State Parks and their respective friends groups that the Pulse provides.

Date PublishedPublished ByTitle/Link
2024, June 10Wisconsin Public RadioWhat are Wisconsin's Ghost Ports?
2023, June 1Peninsula PulseNew Mural At Newport Visitors Center
2022, Nov 8Peninsula PulseNewport Friends Welcome More Help to Build Accessible Boardwalk
2021, July 9Peninsula PulseNatural Areas Need a Helping Human Hand
2021, June 25 Peninsula PulseNaturalists, Astronomers Battle Light Pollution
2020, Dec 25Peninsula PulseCuriosities: What If Europe Bay Had Been Parceled Off?
2017, June 23Peninsula PulseNewport State Park: The Art of Backpacking With Your Camera
2017, June 6Peninsula PulseNewport State Park Named International Dark Sky Park (exit NWS website)
2017, JuneInternational Dark-Sky AssociationNewport State Park Designated Wisconsin’s First International Dark Sky Park
2010, May 27Peninsula PulseNewport State Park to Establish Poetry Trail
2010, Mar 1Peninsula PulseWith a Little Help from My Friends
2008, July 25Peninsula PulseNew Visitor and Nature Center Opens at Newport State Park