
The generous support that we receive through donations helps us fund a wide variety of programs and projects at Newport State Park. For example:

  • The Park Naturalist salary is fully underwritten by NWS.
  • Funding of educational programs and events at the park.
  • Trail maintenance and grooming equipment.
  • Telescope, binoculars, and accessories for Dark Sky astronomy programs.
  • Books, equipment, and supplies used in the Nature Center.
  • Development and management of informational kiosks and displays.
  • Development and printing of brochures and informational materials for visitors.
  • NWS has fully- or partially-funded several infrastructure improvement projects in the park. Read more here.

Newport Wilderness Society is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization; all memberships and donations are tax-deductible.

You will start receiving our e-newsletter, the North Star News. It is easy to unsubscribe, should you care not to receive it.

We will direct your donation to the area of greatest need, but if you would like to direct your gift to a specific program or project (the Naturalist/Interpretive Program, for example) please write a note in the Comment section. Thank you so much.

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Donation Total: $25.00