The Fern Trail in Newport Sate Park was designed to be accessible for park visitors with disabilities: it is a flat, 4 to 5-foot wide trail which includes wheelchair-navigable sections of crushed limestone and boardwalk. Seven interpretive display stations which feature audio and tactile experiences were installed in 2011.
Because of repeated seasonal flooding along several sections of the trail, Newport Wilderness Society has decided to replace the ground-level, sectional boardwalk with an 1,800-foot continuous, ADA-compliant elevated boardwalk. The new boardwalk will include ramps, bump-outs for seating, and railing where required.
NWS volunteers and friends have already contributed over 150 hours of time during November and December 2021 to remove the existing boardwalk sections. Story and more photos of the ‘deconstruction’ are here.
The projected cost of the boardwalk restoration is approximately $200,000. To date (March 2022) nearly 75% of the funding has been raised from a Knowles-Nelson Grant, NWS members, and private donations. But we have more fundraising work to do.
If you would like to make a secure donation specifically to the Fern Trail Boardwalk Restoration project, use the form below. If you would prefer to remit a check, choose the ‘Offline’ option; you will receive instructions on where to mail your donation.
Thank you so much for your support of this important Newport State Park infrastructure project.