Park Merchandise at Kick Ash

Terry Heidenreiter with the newly installed NSP merchandise display at Kick Ash Coffee

With the Visitors Center at Newport State Park closed since mid-March due to the Covid-19 emergency, Newport Wilderness Society lost an important revenue stream: the sale of merchandise to the many people who would like to take home a memento of their visit to the park. NWS board member Carol Ash came to the rescue, generously offering space in her popular Ellison Bay coffee shop and retail store, Kick Ash Coffee, for NWS to set up a dedicated sales table for park merchandise.

Merchandise Committee members Terry Heidenreiter and Beth Bartoli installed the display table in mid-July. Just as at the park, 100% of merchandise sale profits are returned to Newport Wilderness Society to help fund ongoing projects and programs at the park. You can learn more about the work that NSW does here.

So before or after your visit to Newport, stop in at Kick Ash (12001 Mink River Road, Ellison Bay) for coffee, amazing granola and baked treats…and a souvenir Newport State Park t-shirt, ball cap, or other memento of your great day at the park!