A Special Announcement sent via email, newsletter, and Facebook post to friends of Newport. NWS members and friends: You may or may not be aware that the Recreation Objectives for Newport State Park in the WI DNR 2018 Northern Lake Michigan Coastal Master Plan include “Expand recreational opportunities by adding […]
Monthly Archives: August 2023
The next time you are visiting Newport, stop in at the Nature Center for some bird-centric fun. How does your wingspan compare to some of our favorite feathered friends? Here’s our little superhero Ezra Scattergood-Keepper, reaching as far as he can. We think he is pushing Broad-winged Hawk dimensions…a nearly […]
I hope you have had the opportunity to see the new mural inside the Newport Visitors Center. It was painted earlier this year by NWS member Alison Whitney. While she worked, I occasionally invaded her space with my camera to photo-document the progress of the mural. But I couldn’t capture everything that goes on behind the scenes in creating […]
Writing workshops at Newportfor members and friends of Newport Wilderness Societypresented by Write On, Door County This is a special opportunity for members and friends of NWS to explore and reflect on the natural world using Newport SP as a backdrop and source of inspiration for writing. Overcome any intimidation around writing and learn how to […]
A swarm of tired and ravenous Fern Trail worker-bees descend on the picnic area at mid-day. Waiting for them is a hearty lunch, sometimes prepared by one of those same worker-bees. We are overdue with expressing our thanks to the behind-the-scenes volunteers who have fed our Fern Trail boardwalk volunteers […]
The Friends of Wisconsin State Parks (FWSP) has provided much support to Newport Wilderness Society in a variety of ways over the years. We are especially grateful for a recent grant received from FWSP which will help us partially fund the park naturalist’s salary this year. NWS has historically underwritten the naturalist’s salary at […]
By Beth Bartoli, Newport SP Naturalist Harvey was a man of quick wit, extending his warm smile and the twinkle in his eye to all. He was also a lover of nature and the outdoors, which he shared with the many visitors he came in contact with during his 32 […]