Alison Whitney: The Artist’s Process

mural alison whitney

I hope you have had the opportunity to see the new mural inside the Newport Visitors Center. It was painted earlier this year by NWS member Alison Whitney. While she worked, I occasionally invaded her space with my camera to photo-document the progress of the mural.

Alison Whitney: early stages of the mural

But I couldn’t capture everything that goes on behind the scenes in creating a mural painting.

Peninsula School of Art’s current exhibit Backstory: The Artist’s Process helps fill in some of the gaps. Allison, along with thirteen other artists, tell their respective stories of the creative process behind their finished pieces. The exhibit “offers a glimpse into the mind of the artist by presenting documentation, reference materials, sketches, etc. alongside the finished work.” (Of course, Alison’s finished work won’t be there…but you get the idea.)

The exhibit runs through October 29th at PenArt’s Guenzel Gallery, 3900 County F, Fish Creek.