Celebrating NWS Volunteers

volunteer party

This is the time of year when we come together to celebrate our wonderful team of volunteers and all of the work they have accomplished in support of Newport during 2023.

Carol and Chris Ash once again opened up their beautiful space at Kick Ash in Ellison Bay for us to gather. Sixty-five (!) volunteers enjoyed a superb dinner catered by Chuck Spanbauer, owner of Your Guest Chef.**

Volunteers led interpretive programs and hikes, built Leopold benches, planted and watered 700 new trees, participated in spring and fall clean up efforts, began the update of the Nature Center, and constructed a new boardwalk on the Fern Trail. Volunteers also worked behind the scenes (grant writing, accounting, website management, public communications, database management) in support of the park.

We recognized the very special Hero Award that NWS board member Gene Kenny recently received from the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks. Gene has devoted untold hours over the past 3+ years overseeing the planning, funding, and construction of the new elevated Fern Trail boardwalk. Congratulations, Gene!

Mark Glasser (L); Gene Kenny (R)

Many thanks to Helen Berch-Kenny, Beth Bartoli, and Julia Keepper for organizing this wonderful event. Also to Maureen Flatley, Jeanne Rabel, Brian Grube, Gene Kenny, Les Keepper, Terry Heidenreiter, and Mike Ratkowski for all of their pre- and post-party help.

** We highly recommend Chuck if you are looking for someone to cater a private event in Door or the Fox Valley area.