Information from News Release published by WI DNR on May 10, 2024
Dwarf Lake Iris (Iris lacustris) is a threatened species, preferring cool, moist, alkaline soil environments. The ditch area of Europe Bay Road is ideal for the plant due to the forest gaps and edges and presence of ditches with cool shaded areas.
The town of Liberty Grove proposes to remove trees that have grown and encroached upon Europe Bay Road within approximately 6-8 feet from the edge of the traveled portion. The road was most recently repaved in 2008 with the hope of having a life span of 30 years. However, the presence of large shade trees on the south side of the road has kept the sun from reaching the road and drying it. As a result, the surface now has potholes and cracks due to deterioration and dampness. After vegetation removal, the road will be reconditioned and the elevation of the surface will be raised approximately 4 inches.
The presence of the state threatened and federally endangered dwarf lake iris is confirmed in the vicinity of the project site. DNR staff determined that the proposed project may result in the incidental taking of some plants.
The full news release can be found here:
The associated “Jeopardy Assessment”, which details the plans to remove, relocate (to The Clearing), and monitor the Dwarf Lake Iris plants is here: