At their July 17 Giving Event, 100+Women Who Care (Door County) selected NWS as the recipient of a $7,000 award which will be directed to our Fern Trail Boardwalk Restoration project.
NWS is deeply grateful to receive this award. Our sincere thanks to Julia Keepper (NWS board member and 100+WWC member) for nominating and presenting information about NWS and the work that we do to 100+WWC members. Gene Kenny (NWS board member and coordinator of the Fern Trail boardwalk restoration) was on hand to answer questions about the project.
There were a number of friends of NWS in attendance, many of whom are also members of the 100+WWC Giving Circle:
Top photo (L-R): Ann Glessner (100+WWC Board), Gene Kenney (NWS Board), Julia Keepper (100+WWC nominator/advocate for Newport Wilderness Society), Beth Bartoli (Newport SP Naturalist) with Ann Morgan (100+WWC Co-founder/President).