Many of the articles in our monthly e-newsletters focus on the projects that NWS volunteers are doing in support of the park. The WI DNR estimates that Newport had 26,700 visitors in July and 25,600 visitors in August. The day-to-day efforts which keep things running smoothly for the thousands of people who visit Newport every year […]
Newport News
Summer may be in our rearview mirror, but we still have glorious fall to look forward to. This is the time to get some great merchandise and also support Newport Wilderness Society. All profits from merchandise sales fund the naturalist’s salary, interpretive programing and infrastructure projects at Newport State Park. There are new […]
Tom and Maureen Flatley have been Boundary Waters Wilderness camping for decades. They taught Wilderness Days participants the techniques to make fool-proof fire starters, easily getting a campfire started…even in the rain! Chris and Cindy Treml led Master Dutch Oven Cooking demonstration. Everyone enjoyed tasty samples afterwards! Photos courtesy of […]
A Special Announcement sent via email, newsletter, and Facebook post to friends of Newport. NWS members and friends: You may or may not be aware that the Recreation Objectives for Newport State Park in the WI DNR 2018 Northern Lake Michigan Coastal Master Plan include “Expand recreational opportunities by adding […]
The next time you are visiting Newport, stop in at the Nature Center for some bird-centric fun. How does your wingspan compare to some of our favorite feathered friends? Here’s our little superhero Ezra Scattergood-Keepper, reaching as far as he can. We think he is pushing Broad-winged Hawk dimensions…a nearly […]
I hope you have had the opportunity to see the new mural inside the Newport Visitors Center. It was painted earlier this year by NWS member Alison Whitney. While she worked, I occasionally invaded her space with my camera to photo-document the progress of the mural. But I couldn’t capture everything that goes on behind the scenes in creating […]
Writing workshops at Newportfor members and friends of Newport Wilderness Societypresented by Write On, Door County This is a special opportunity for members and friends of NWS to explore and reflect on the natural world using Newport SP as a backdrop and source of inspiration for writing. Overcome any intimidation around writing and learn how to […]
A swarm of tired and ravenous Fern Trail worker-bees descend on the picnic area at mid-day. Waiting for them is a hearty lunch, sometimes prepared by one of those same worker-bees. We are overdue with expressing our thanks to the behind-the-scenes volunteers who have fed our Fern Trail boardwalk volunteers […]
The Friends of Wisconsin State Parks (FWSP) has provided much support to Newport Wilderness Society in a variety of ways over the years. We are especially grateful for a recent grant received from FWSP which will help us partially fund the park naturalist’s salary this year. NWS has historically underwritten the naturalist’s salary at […]
By Beth Bartoli, Newport SP Naturalist Harvey was a man of quick wit, extending his warm smile and the twinkle in his eye to all. He was also a lover of nature and the outdoors, which he shared with the many visitors he came in contact with during his 32 […]
NWS held our (38th!) annual meeting at the park on July 29th. We had a beautiful morning to reconnect with long-time NWS friends, meet some new NWS members, and to remember former Newport SP superintendent Harvey Stahl. We recognized retiring board members Terry Heidenreiter, Jeanne Rabel, and Greg Wilde. We welcomed […]
At their July 17 Giving Event, 100+Women Who Care (Door County) selected NWS as the recipient of a $7,000 award which will be directed to our Fern Trail Boardwalk Restoration project. NWS is deeply grateful to receive this award. Our sincere thanks to Julia Keepper (NWS board member and 100+WWC member) for […]
Newport Park staff and volunteers work to control poison ivy, but we will never completely eradicate it. We occasionally have interpretive programs about poison ivy and other nasties in the park. We encourage all visitors to be aware of their surroundings and to be careful where belongings/pets/footsteps are placed! The […]
The current Write On Door County installation along the Poetry Trail features work from the Door County Belles Lettres poetry group. The group was started in 2015 by former Poet Laureate of Door County Estella Lauter. Meetings are informal and are held in person at Write On or via Zoom. Poems […]
Remember those 700 trees that were planted at the park entrance in April? Well, conditions have been a bit dry the past few weeks, so NWS volunteers are stepping up to help water and make sure they continue to get off to a good start. Twenty-ish people had it all done […]
Jessica Grasse, co-owner of Grasse’s Grill in Sister Bay and a long-time supporter of NWS and the park, has recently published a gorgeous book that reimagines several popular hikes in northern Door…including Newport. She is donating 100% of the profits from the sale of the book to Door non-profits, including NWS. This […]
With her extraordinary gifts of talent and time, NWS volunteer Alison Whitney has completed a stunning new mural inside the Visitors Center at Newport State Park. What is most remarkable about the project is that this is Whitney’s first mural. NWS funded the costs of paint and materials, but Alison […]
As part of the 2023 Door County Big Plant, over 40 volunteers planted more than 700 trees at the entrance to Newport State Park on April 26th. This collaborative project was sponsored by Destination Door County and coordinated by the Climate Coalition of Door County and Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership. […]
The Nature Center at Newport SP is in the beginning stages of a makeover, thanks to the vision of Master Naturalists Helen Berch-Kenny, Maureen Flatley, Mary O’Grady, Lynn Reuter, Holly Smith; volunteer Julia Keepper; and Park Naturalist Beth Bartoli. Existing displays are being organized and consolidated and a new display devoted […]
Our 33rd Annual Candlelight Ski-Hike-Snowshoe is in the history books. As is the tradition, guests enjoyed traversing the Fern Trail loop, guided by candlelight through the forest and along the lakefront. Conditions were fairly icy this year, so most people chose to hike. A roaring fire and yummy hot chocolate […]
NWS volunteers began turning lumber into new Leopold Benches in early February…a great winter project. The benches will be installed at 13 Newport campsites when the weather permits. This project was funded by NWS with the help of a $3,500 matching incentive grant from Friends of Wisconsin State Parks. It also includes […]
As we have in the past, Newport joined with many other parks around Wisconsin and the nation and hosted a First Day Hike on January 1st. It is the perfect way to ring in the New Year! Coordinated by Mark Glasser, a record number of people enjoyed hiking the Fern […]
Earlier in 2022, it came to the attention of Newport park management and Newport Wilderness Society that the fire rings and Leopold benches at some of the park’s campsites were showing signs of significant wear and tear. With the help of a $3,500 matching incentive grant from Friends of Wisconsin […]
Text and Photos by Deb Ford, NWS Board NWS volunteers have begun constructing the first 600′ of the new elevated, accessible boardwalk that will traverse a seasonally-flooded section of the Fern Trail. Preassembled panels, decking lumber and hardware were delivered to the park on September 19 & 20. Our first […]
With the initial delivery of materials and hardware, we are officially underway with the construction of a new elevated, accessible boardwalk along a section of the popular Fern Trail that is prone to spring flooding. Delivery of construction material from Custom Manufacturing (Clinton, WI) occurred earlier this week. Greg Thoma […]
Text by Mary O’Grady; Photos by Deb Ford Lynn Reuter and Mary O’Grady recently completed the Wisconsin Master Naturalist training program held this past Spring. Course participants are required to produce a Capstone project in either environmental education/interpretation, stewardship or citizen science. For their project, Lynn and Mary chose to […]
Text and Photos by Mark Glasser, NWS President We got started on replacing kiosk roofs today, August 22, 2022. NWS volunteer Dave Keen supplied the materials we needed from his inventory that included underlayment boards, tar paper, and shingles. Today was a “proof of concept” to see if what we […]
Text and Photos by Gene Kenny, NWS Board I should have gone away this past winter. Every person I met asks, “How’s the Fern trail project going?” I don’t really mind the question. I enjoy telling everyone about the project, but I forget who I’ve told what details to. As […]
Text by Beth Bartoli, Naturalist at Newport SP Since 2007, Newport volunteers have been friends and helpers of the declining eastern bluebird population. NWS volunteers built and placed nesting boxes in appropriate habitat from Highway 42 down County Road NP and into the park. The number of boxes varied over […]
Text and Photos by Julie Roenigk Zip A Dee Doo Dah. Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I’m Always Chasing Rainbows. I have heard and sung these songs for as long as I can remember. But they took on a new depth of meaning a few years ago when I saw my […]