Archived Newsletters

Newport Wilderness Society publishes a monthly email newsletter, the North Star News. To receive it in your inbox, subscribe here. Previous issues are catalogued below.

September 2024 North Star News: Wilderness Days Schedule; September Programs; Nature Center Update

August 2024 – Newport SP 60th Anniversary Celebration

August 2024 – Invasive Species Forum Reminder

August 2024 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; 2024 Annual Meeting; Annual Report; Summer Workdays; Words from Dr. Bill Scheckler

July 2024 – Annual Meeting Reminder

July 2024 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Newport is 60 Years Old!; Poetry Stanchions Upgrade; Newport Trail Stewards

June 2024 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Invasive Plant Work; Support Our Songbirds; DNR Incidental Take Notice; Remembering John C. Plume

May 2024 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Thank you – Chris & Carol Ash; Scarlet Cup; Business Members Recognition

April 2024 North Star News: 2024 Solar Eclipse; Upcoming Programs; Wisconsin Conservation Funding Issues; Keep Wildlife Wild

February 2024 North Star News: Candlelight Ski Hike update; Fern Trail gravel; Fern Trail tree damage; Fish consumption guidelines – DNR

January 2024 North Star News: Candlelight Ski (and how to volunteer); Equestrian trail update; DDC Challenge Grant continues

December 2023 North Star News: Annual End-of-Year Appeal; How to volunteer; Legacy Giving

December 2023 Open House at Newport

November 2023 North Star News: Celebrating NWS Volunteers; Four Seasons of Writing; Beth Bartoli interview; 2024 Park Stickers

Mid-October 2023 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Fern Trail Boardwalk update; Beth Bartoli interview; NWS Business Members

October 2023 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Meet the Newport SP staff; Sign the Fern Trail deck board; Tree planting update; Wingspan; Merchandise

6 September 2023 Special Announcement: Destination Door County Grant Initiative – Submit your ideas

September 2023 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Wilderness Days; Four Seasons of Writing; The Artist’s Process; NWS Lunch Ladies

26 August 2023 Special Announcement: Comment Period for Proposed Horse Trail Plan Variance at Newport

August 2023 North Star News: August Programs; Remembering Harvey Stahl; 100+WWC Award; Link to 2023 Annual Report; FWSP Grant; Fern Trail Boardwalk photos

July 2023 – Annual Meeting Reminder

July 2023 North Star News: July Programs; Fiscal year-end thank you; Poem from the Poetry Trail; Coming soon: Writing Workshop; Poison Ivy

June 2023 North Star News: June Programs; Spring workday; Watering our new trees; Nature Center makeover

May 2023 North Star News: May Programs; Tree Planting; Healing Hikes guide; Fern Trail Boardwalk update

April 2023 North Star News: Alison Whitney and the new mural; Upcoming Programs; 2023 EDED; Business Members

March 2023 North Star News: Winter on the Beach photo

February 2023 North Star News: Candlelight Ski announcement; Leopold Benches

January 2023 North Star News: First Day Hike announcement

December 2022 North Star News: End of Year Appeal (How to Donate, Volunteer); Legacy Giving

Thanksgiving 2022 North Star News: Giving thanks for our volunteers and donors

October 2022 North Star News: October Programs; Fern Trail Boardwalk Construction Begins; Upland Trail Guide is Updated; Business Members

September 2022 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Wilderness Days; NWS Volunteers Replace Kiosk Roofs

August 2022 North Star News: August Interpretive Programs; Annual Meeting Synopsis; Universe in the Park & Perseid Meteor Shower

July 2022: Annual Meeting Reminder: Info about Annual Meeting; Fern Trail update

July 2022 North Star News: July Interpretive programs; Annual Meeting announced; Master Naturalist Songbird Garden; Bluebird articles

June 2022 North Star News: May/June Interpretive programs; OutWiGo Challenge Hikes are starting; June Pollinator Week

May 2022 North Star News: Spotlight on volunteers who helped at Spring Workday and Every Day is Earth Day; Upcoming Park Programs; Business Members

April 2022 Fern Trail Boardwalk Restoration Appeal: History of Fern Trail; Spring Flooding; Restoration Plan; How to Donate

April 2022 North Star News: Meet new Park Manager Brian Grube; Every Day is Earth Day; thanks to Candlelight Ski volunteers

Winter 2022 North Star News: Candlelight Ski info; solo camping video

January 2022 North Star News: First Day Hike invite; Mike Orlock poem

December 2021 North Star News: End of Year Appeal; How NWS Supports Newport; Join/Donate; Legacy Giving

November 2021 Spotlight Issue: Twisted Tree at the Pharm; Kick Ash; Business Members

November 2021 North Star News: Newport History; Renovation of History Kiosk; Julie Hein; Our Thanks; Scheckler Poem

October 2021 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; October Work Days; Scenes from Wilderness Days; Business Members

September 2021 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Newport Wilderness Days; Gold Seal Awards: Vote!; Magical Monarchs

August 2021 North Star News: Upcoming Programs; Perseid Meteor Shower; Bats at Newport; Link to Annual Report; July Photos

July 2021 North Star News: Upcoming Programs and Annual Meeting; Tree Time; Protecting Dark Skies; June Workday Photos

June 2021 North Star News: In the June Night Sky; Star-hopping; Garlic Mustard; Poetry Trail Celebrates Phil Hansotia

May 2021 North Star News: All about Ramps; Scenes from the April Workday; The Leaves of a Beech; Twisted Tree at the Pharm

April 2021 North Star News: Introducing Eric Hyde; Dark Sky Roast at Kick Ash; In the Night Sky this Month; Photos from the Park

March 2021 North Star News: Calling All Volunteers; Fern Trail Update; From the Poetry Trail; Photos from the Park

Jan/Feb 2021 North Star News

Oct/Nov 2020 North Star News

September 2020 North Star News

July 2020 North Star News

June 2020 North Star News

May 2020 North Star News

April 2020 North Star News

Feb/March 2020 North Star News

Dec 2019/Jan 2020 North Star News

November 2019 North Star News

September 2019 North Star News

August 2019 North Star News

July 2019 North Star News

June 2019 North Star News

May 2019 North Star News

April 2019 North Star News

Summer 2018 Trillium

Spring 2018 Trillium

Winter 2018 Trillium

Fall 2017 Trillium

Summer 2017 Trillium

Spring 2017 Trillium

Winter 2017 Trillium